During the month of September we celebrate the Inter-American Day of Public Relations. The date commemorates the first Inter-American Conference of Public Relations Associations which was held on September 26, 1960.
On that occasion, countries such as: Colombia, Brazil, Panama, United States, Chile, Puerto Rico, Argentina, among others, part took part of the conference.

At MarketCross, we have been working for 24 years integrating our region. And just as our predecessors did, we think about the importance of developing localized strategic communications in each of the countries. Understanding the cultural differences but connected in the vocation of building better relations between the organizations and their publics.
Undoubtedly, one of the great challenges of companies is to be recognized by their favorable image before society and in this sense, it is essential to count with an excellent communication that, together with marketing strategies, shows the development and transformations of the organization, establishing the most appropriate channel for each of the messages.
We can say that public relations is the art of projecting the nature of an organization, to achieve its integration with the environment, helping them to accept one another. In this way, it manages its communications to build and maintain that projected image in a strategic and planned style through dual communication channels such as social networks, among others.
And from here, there are a lot of challenges that arise:
- Incorporating AI (Artificial Intelligence) to measure results and reach the indicated audiences, as well as apply conversational technology with our audiences. Taking into account that we are going through the era of connectivity, data, immediacy, personalization and the consumer´s empowerment.
- Sharing knowledge with the entire organization as well as with our clients. So that we can all work along the same lines and with clear objectives
- Developing creativity in each of the content we share with our audiences to improve our engagement with defined publics.
- Maintain a cohesive team taking into account distance and multiculturalism as keys in our daily work.
- Thinking and adopting a flexible and open attitude to incorporate new concepts and paradigm changes. In short, permanently absorbing new learning that implies a enduring improvement of our professional skills
During this month we will address these topics, from storytelling and how to measure results to the best ingredients for good content, all key drivers to achieve a successful public relations strategy.
Keep in touch!