Doing together and communicating are characteristic aspects of man’s activity since ancient times.
When we join both worlds, doing and communicating, the miracle of the transmission of ideas and knowledge takes place.
In the corporate environment, ideas and knowledge also flow as part of nature itself.
We are now, in 2018, seeing a growing tendency in corporate communications towards the storydoing, that is to say, the transition from saying (storytelling) to doing, and showing it.
Although the concept has been known for some time now, the prominence of social networks transforms and makes corporate communication flow towards the market.
The increasingly active participation of prosumers ( Anglicism for producer+consumer) and the need for companies to generate the long-awaited link with their audiences, make storydoing one of the forms of communication that is today imperative..
The axis that moves storydoing is made up of real stories. The consumer experience is the most important issue. And it is on that experience that the appeal of this way of reaching the market is built.
The values, identity and culture that companies profess, in addition to their products and services, that is, the company’s DNA, proceeds from being a mere narrative, to a story with emotional content that can be experienced in the real world.
This story told by companies but which reflects the consumers´ feelings builds a new way of approaching communications from the facts themselves.
Storydoing opens companies to their audiences, revealing their DNA and dragging the company’s backstage into the showcase. Companies are making prosumers part of the entire brand experience.
At MarketCross we believe that everything that allows us to get closer to the consumer experience represents the basis of communication for all companies.
Good experiences must be shared.
In the light of this the re launch of our digital platforms -website and social networks- is based ; the places from which, starting today, you will be able to benefit from both our clients´ experiences and those of our team.
I invite you to become part of this new stage!