Artificial Intelligence will transform the way many companies operate, it will also affect all aspects of our personal lives.

Just as the Internet revolutionized many industries, we believe that Artificial Intelligence will transform the way many companies operate. In addition to the impacts it will bring about on almost every facet of our personal lives. And here is a sample of what the
New AI solutions would be for the following market segments:
Agriculture: There are already specific platforms for agribusiness on the market that are used as various databases on the type of soil, seeds and climate to analyze and suggest the best possible way forward.
Logistics and Transportation: In Mountain View it is common to see autonomous cars cruising down the streets and it is very likely that in the next five years, it will be normal to find thousands of these vehicles. In addition, trains, trucks and other means of transport can also be driven by robots.
Health and Biotechnology: Artificial Intelligence helps doctors and patients to get a faster and more accurate diagnosis, for instance in the detection of cancer through blood samples in patients. The technique helps to identify the genetic factors that could lead to either the development or not of a disease.
Retailing: Some of the possibilities that AI can currently offer consist in making sales forecasts and choosing the right product to recommend to a particular customer. Companies like Amazon use robots to identify whether a book will be successful or not, even before it is released. Even in inventory optimization, it can help companies predict revenue and determine how much of an input must be purchased.
Education: It allows the creation of different services, such as knowing if a student is about to cancel their registration or withdraw from a course, suggesting new courses for a student, or even creating personalized offers to optimize learning and promote education.
Financial Services: Smart technologies can help financial institutions recognize the risks that a client may represent and even predict market patterns and their consequences, as well as recommend operations.
Manufacturing and Supply Chain: It favors to carry out a study of the products and parts that require maintenance, even before the presentation of problems. Thus helping manufacturing companies to know when to buy and/or produce, or predict impacts and risks from providers.
Virtual personal assistants: In the coming years, banks will have digital employees helping us to carry out some operations. With this same type of virtual support it will also be possible to better organize holiday trips. For example by planning and scheduling details such as flights, hotels and transfers.